




①山田あすか,上野淳:こどもと家族の利用実態に基づく小児病棟プレイルーム改修における調査・デザインと検証,日本建築学会技術報告集 第25号,pp.219-224,2007年6月
②松田優,今村隆人,山田あすか,古賀誉章:医療スタッフ・付添家族・患児らの印象・利用度と滞在様態からみた環境評価の実態 小児の療養環境改善のための環境評価指標の作成に関する研究 その1,日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 E-1分冊,2010年,p.237
今村隆人,松田優,山田あすか,古賀誉章:医療スタッフと付き添い家族による環境評価構造の分析と環境評価項目の導出 小児の療養環境改善のための環境評価指標の作成に関する研究 その2,日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 E-1分冊,2010年,E-1分冊,p.239
③小林陽,山田あすか:東京都家庭福祉員制度での拠点内の環境づくりと都市環境の利用・評価に関する研究 −小規模保育拠点とその保育の場となる都市環境のあり方についての研究 その1,日本建築学会計画系論文集,681号,pp.2507-2516,2012.11
④大野尚子・山田あすか・他:小児がん患児と家族のための療養環境評価基準に関する研究 第1報,第24回小児がん学会,2008.11
⑤大野尚子・山田あすか・他:小児がん患児と家族のための療養環境評価基準に関する研究 第2報,第25回小児がん学会,2009.11
⑧Hiroki Ito, Asuka Yamada, Eiji Satoh:Evaluation on the Environment Transition Associated with Renovation in the T Hospital Children’s Ward and Verification of Playroom Design Proposal,The 43nd APACPH(Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium For Public Health) Conference, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2011.10.21
⑨Saori Chiba, Asuka Yamada, Takaaki Koga : Verification of a Basic Guideline Based on the Current Condition Survey of the Children’s Ward Environment,The 43nd APACPH(Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium For Public Health) Conference, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2011.10.21
⑩Masayoshi KOGA, Asuka YAMADA, Yu MATUDA and Takato IMAMURA : A Report for Utilization of the Children's Ward in K Local Cadre Hospital ; An Utilization and Evaluation of Children's Ward to Formulate a Basic Guideline for Children's Ward as a Care Environment (1) ,The 43nd APACPH(Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium For Public Health) Conference, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2011.10.21
⑪Asuka YAMADA, Masayoshi KOGA, Yu MATUDA and Takato IMAMURA : A Report for Utilization of the Children's Ward in K Local Cadre Hospital ; An Utilization and Evaluation of Children's Ward to Formulate a Basic Guideline for Children's Ward as a Care Environment (2) ,The 43nd APACPH(Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium For Public Health) Conference, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2011.10.21
⑫Asuka YAMADA, Saori Chiba : Creating a Recuperation Environment and ‘Structural Drawing of Environmental Creation’: A Study on the Environment Evaluation Items within the Recuperation Environment of Children’s Ward (3), The 44nd APACPH(Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health) Conference, Banbaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall, Colombo, Sri-Lanka, 2012.10.15
⑬Saori CHIBA, Asuka YAMADA, Takaaki KOGA : Verification on the Environment Evaluation Items Based on the Actual Condition Assessment of Recuperation Environment by Questionnaire Survey : A Study on the Environment Evaluation Items within the Recuperation Environment of Children’s Ward (4), The 44nd APACPH(Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health) Conference, Banbaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall, Colombo, Sri-Lanka, 2012.10.15